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Christy Cheng is a Registered Acupuncturist (R. Ac), Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R. TCMP.) and Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.). She has been organizing health seminars and workshops for the community and she encourages participants to improve their health with therapeutic diets and exercise like qi gong. She enjoys listening to music, hiking and nature.
鄭美玲是安省註冊針灸師,註冊中醫師及註冊整全營養師。 多年來,她為社區主持健康講座,鼓勵參與者通過養生,飲食和運動等鍛煉來改善健康。 她喜歡聽音樂、遠足和接近大自然。
In TCM prospective, body mechanism involves body’s life force energy, known as Qi. An imbalance or disruption of Qi may occur in response to one's diet, lifestyle, environment, injuries or extreme emotions. This imbalance then results in physical and/or emotional pathologies.
中醫認為,身體的能量即氣,是身體機制強弱的關鍵。 個人的飲食、生活方式、環境、傷患或極端情緒均會導致氣機紊亂 ,從而導致身體發病或出現情緒失衡。
TCM acupuncture is a holistic approach to healing and well-being. It treats conditions ranging from different kinds of pains (migraine, muscle and joint pain), insomnia, anxiety & depression, indigestion, low immunity, poor circulation & water retention and menstrual disorders etc.
中醫針灸是一種整存的治療和保健方法。 它治療各種疼痛(偏頭痛、肌肉和關節疼痛)、失眠、焦慮和抑鬱、消化不良、免疫力低下、代謝循環不良、尿瀦留以及月經失調等病症。
(Mrs W W, 22th Sept 2022) 1 came to know Christy through zoom meetings organized by a church, where she has been generously sharing knowledge of herbal/natural remedies for general health issues with the community. I was impressed with her talks so later on became her patient. Following a period of treatment by acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, my health condition saw vast improvement.
Christy would spend much time in carrying out detailed and thorough examination, then explained her diagnosis and answer any questions which would give the patient a better understanding of one's own condition. To enhance the healing process, Christy also taught me various self help methods to ease discomfort and boost immune system, such as specific exercise movement, how to find and massage pressure points, proper diet and Chinese herbal soup recipes. Christy was also very considerate and caring, ensuring patient's comfort during treatment by providing various devises in keeping one warm and comfortable.
(Mrs G W, 5th April , 2023) Christy is an outstanding healthcare provider. She is not only knowledgeable, but also patient to investigate root causes of symptoms. She always take time and effort to explain the difficult concepts of Chinese medicine in layperson’s English, never finds any of my questions ignorant or irrelevant. She is also extremely observant to my faintest reactions for every acupuncture needle. I’m very fortunate to have met her in my time of need.
(S 先生,17th Mar, 2023) 我今次的長期病患,也是依賴鄭醫師,透過觀察眼耳口鼻、大小二便、身體各部的感覺,各種表征作出「辨証論治」,給與我整體性的治療,去調理受損的身軀。鄭醫師也引用 「醫食同源」的理論,闡述平時飲食上的「宜」「忌」,每週仔細地調配藥方。在驗身報告中,反映着我身體機能續漸緩緩的回復正常。感謝鄚醫師的辛勞!
(S.Y.先生,14 Nov, 2023) 今年夏天六至八月份, 由於工作關係,長時間使用電腦鍵盤和滑鼠, 導致已患上網球手的情況日趨嚴重, 左右兩隻手任何時間都會感到痛楚,右手疼痛的程度,甚至乎每晚睡覺都會痛醒。幸好經過鄭醫師(Christy)的診治,兩、三次針灸之後,兩隻手已有明顯改善,痛楚已經大大地減退, 經過一輪大概九次的治療過程,左手已經不再感到痛楚。連同左肩膊上的舊患 , 從前左肩膊因為舊患限制了活動範圍,現在已經能夠活動自如。
多謝鄭醫師,她細心地聆聽,悉心的治療, 令病人感到有信心,值得推介。
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin needles to stimulate specific points of the body that reach meridians. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that there are 361 commonly used acupuncture points on the human body. Typically, your first treatment will begin with a detailed health assessment regarding your medical conditions and formul
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin needles to stimulate specific points of the body that reach meridians. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that there are 361 commonly used acupuncture points on the human body. Typically, your first treatment will begin with a detailed health assessment regarding your medical conditions and formulate a treatment plan that meets your specific needs. In a treatment session, it takes about 15-20 minutes of manipulating the needles into the skin and 10–25 minutes of retaining the needles to achieve the best results.
中醫針灸以插入特幼的針來刺激身體的經絡穴位 (常用穴有361個)。 首次治療時,將會對您的醫療狀況作詳細的健康評估,並製定適切的治療計劃。 治療時,施針約需 15-20 分鐘,留針約 10-25 分鐘才會達到最佳療效。
Most patients feel mild sensation, but everyone has different experience depending on health conditions. Patients may experience: desired sensation ("de qi response") like tightness, slight dull pain, soreness, numbness, distension, tingling,bruising etc,. However, patients should inform the practitioner if any discomfort arises.
The st
Most patients feel mild sensation, but everyone has different experience depending on health conditions. Patients may experience: desired sensation ("de qi response") like tightness, slight dull pain, soreness, numbness, distension, tingling,bruising etc,. However, patients should inform the practitioner if any discomfort arises.
The standard acupuncture needles are between 25mm – 50mm long and 0.20 -0.25mm wide
大多數患者的感覺是輕微的,但不同的健康狀況會有不同的體驗。 患者可能會感覺:“得氣反應” ,如緊繃、輕微鈍痛、酸痛、麻木、脹痛、蟻行或瘀班等。 若出現任何不適,患者應立即告知醫師。 標準針灸針長25mm – 50mm,寬0.18 -0.25mm
Depends on your health condition, it may be advisable to take prescribed TCM herbal medicine as well to speed up your healing process and maintain your good health in longer team.
須視孚您的健康狀況而定,或建議服用處方中藥粉,以速進康復過程,並在長時間內保持身體健康 。
Our goal is to provide alternative medical care that may reverse and prevent disease by applying the fundamental TCM healing principles of the body.
We care about your overall well-being and will provide you with the guidance and knowledge, with supports that assist you to stay healthy. Let us be part of your medical team to help you live healthier and easier!
我們關心您的整體健康,並提供專業治療並指導,幫助您保持健康。 請讓我們成為您醫療團隊的一員,助您活得更健康, 更輕鬆!
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